The following are guidelines that we expect all talent to follow when we decide to work with them. If you feel these are too strict, then we are not the right management company for you.
We are not here to reschedule auditions around your schedule. In fact, you are to reschedule everything you are doing to work with our schedule when we get you an audition. You may only get auditions occasionally or you may get them quite frequently. Whatever the case, you are expected to clear your schedule for an audition. Please don't ask for a time change. Let me say that again, PLEASE DON'T ASK FOR A TIME CHANGE. We hate that. Casting hates that. Casting will rarely give a time change and if they see it and decide to respond to it, the answer is usually no and they cancel you for the audition. Please don't ask for self tapes because you are not available or too lazy to make it to the audition. I will not ask casting for a self tape. Again, I WILL NOT ASK CASTING FOR A SELF TAPE FOR YOU. We know it's a pain to make it all work but you're working with a manager who was an actor and I wouldn't expect anything more that what I gave as an actor. So, if you have a non-flexible schedule and you are constantly booked on other projects or work a non-flexible 9-5 job, please don't submit to us. Clear your schedule and make it flexible before you submit to us.
You are never to contact casting on your own to ask for anything unless they have asked you to contact them, which is very, very rare. If we find out you have contacted casting and gone around our backs, we will drop you. I can't tell you how many times actors have done this only to have casting call us and yell at us because they were bothered by an actor.
You need to have a yearly subscription to Actors Access. Why? Because we do not pull sides for you or upload your eco casts. The exception would be that the sides have a code and only agents/managers can retrieve them. Besides, we expect you to self submit to build your resume and to get out and meet casting directors. A yearly subscription will also give you free self submissions, free eco casts and free sides.
You need to have a yearly/monthly subscription to LA Casting. Why? Because we expect you to be self submitting, able to put up clips of your skills, a demo reel and a voice over reel if you do voice overs.
You can't be cheap. You have to be willing to invest in yourself as an actor. This is your business. We don't want to hear that you won't put up a demo reel, clips or photos because you don't have the money. You need to give us tools to work with so we have a better chance of getting you out.
You need to constantly train as an actor. You need to be in a class, a play, working on a film, improving your demo reel, working on your vocal technique, your skillset, etc. This goes for all ages! Just because you are older and have been acting for may years, doesn't mean you should stop training.
You need to be able to do an eco cast which is a self taped audition on Actors Access.
You need to be able to tape an audition on your phone, computer or have a friend willing and able at any time to do this for you. No exceptions. We do not have time to train you to do this. Nor do we find it acceptable for an actor to decline on an eco cast for any reason let alone because you can't figure out how to tape it or upload it. It is your responsibility to figure this out.
If you miss more than 3 auditions, we will let you go. No exceptions. If you are professional and you treat your acting career seriously, there is no reason to forget to book out. This way, you won't miss any auditions.
You need to book out 2 weeks PRIOR to leaving town. If you have an audition and you have not booked out, we will NOT ask for an eco cast and we will let you go. We do not have time to work with actors who do not respect our time and allow us to submit them when they aren't even in town. When do you book out? ANY time you are not available in a day to go to an audition.
If you do extra work, you must have a calling service and give us their information. We will not wait for you to respond back to us for auditions so you can figure out if you're working tomorrow. Your calling service needs to be one that you can book out any time you want so when you get an audition, you book out with them ASAP. We do not like to work with actors that do a lot of extra work but we do realize it is a way to make money for actors. However you need to be on your game and know how to juggle extra work with the auditions we get you. We will not accept an "I can't make it because I'm already booked tomorrow" if you didn't book out with us 2 weeks prior. Your agent/manager takes top priority over doing extra work. If you feel it is the other way around, you are not ready to have representation working for you for free on your behalf.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT TELL US WHAT TO SUBMIT YOU FOR!!! Yes, we know many of you get the illegal breakdowns which is really not cool and never works so just don't do it, but we know what to submit you for and believe me, we're not missing anything that you are right for so just don't ask. When you ask, it annoys us and tells us that you think we aren't doing our job which makes us not want to work for you. Get it? It actually works against you to ask. This goes for pitching too. We know who we want to pitch for and when to do it so please don't ask.
You must be technically savvy enough to be able to Skype/Facetime and do a live interview/audition if asked.
You must be technically savvy to be able to upload an audition to Dropbox, YouTube and Vimeo.
You MUST have a demo reel up online on all your accounts. This includes: Actors Access and LA Casting.
You must confirm auditions within an hour. We will not wait around waiting for your confirmation and we will cancel the audition for you if we don't hear back from you within an hour after you have been notified. This will be considered a missed audition.
You must understand and have all your accounts set up properly to receive e-mails AND texts for auditions. I cannot stress this enough. We rarely call you for an audition as audition notifications are sent out electronically through both Actors Access and LA Casting so if you are not set up properly and don't get the audition notification, the fault is yours. Our phones are connected to us like an umbilical cord so I won't accept that you didn't receive the notification.
You must show up at an audition if you have confirmed you will be there. Casting will call us when you are a no show and it makes all of us look bad. If you are running late, call us and tell us how late and when you think you will make it to the audition. Casting needs to know as they run on a tight schedule. It is respectful to let us know so we can let casting know. Don't just show up late. They may not be able to see you.
If you book a job on your own and it does not include an extra fee for your representation, we do not expect a commission. However, if you book a job on your own and they include a fee for your representation, we will be ecstatic if you turn the booking over to us and we will handle it for you.
We pay actors as soon as we receive your check, have deposited it and it has cleared which is usually within a business day or two of receiving it. We pay very quickly and will always give you the option of coming in to pick up your check or have us mail it to you. We expect the same respect in return when it comes to paying us. Sometimes the production company will accidentally send the actor the check. If you receive a check from production on a job you booked through us, you need to make a copy of the complete check along with the check stub attached, and send it to us BEFORE you send us a check. We will tell you the amount that you need to send us. Once we verify the check is correct and the amount you need to send us, you can either write us a check or send us a PayPal, Zelle or Google Wallet. These are the only forms of payment we accept. We expect to receive a check within a week after you have been paid. If you have worked a union job and it has been more than two weeks and you have not received a check from either us or production, please contact us and we will call production. If you have worked a non-union job and it has been at least 3 weeks and you have not been paid, please call us. We do not "hold" money for the sake of earning more interest so if the time has passed and you have not receive a check, please notify us so we can get you paid. This is one area where you can feel free to contact us as we want to get you paid asap.
Residuals. You are expected to pay them to us when you receive them. We get a quarterly report from the union that states how much you earned. A very good explanation of what you pay and when is here:
We like working with your agent, however, we need to work with them on every job. That means whether or not you get an audition or booking through us or through your agent, we both need to be notified and looped in on all correspondence. You will also pay both your agent and us a commission on all jobs you book through either of us. If this is a problem for you, we are not the right management company for you. We like to work with actors who are grateful for our work at all times, not just when they book only with us. We want to work as a team with your agent, not against them. It is never a competition.
If casting contacts you directly on an audition that we have sent you out on and they want to book you, please ask them to also loop us in on the booking.
Please don't have another manager. We are ok if you have another agent or two, one in each area of representation, but if we find out you are lying to us, we will drop you.
You must acknowledge that you have read the following information below by sending us an email saying you have read (cut and past this) "Hi Lisa, I have received and have read all the information on sexual harassment and eating disorders from the links you have provided on your website." This will suffice. I cannot represent you unless you have confirmed you have been given this info and read it. Copy the links, choose your language and please read the information below: California Labor Codes: 1700.50 (a)(b)(c)(d), 1700.51 (a)(b), 1700.53, 1700.54(b) and 1700.54.